FCC and FDA joint hearing on "Regulatory Issues Arising from Health Care Devices that Incorporate Radio Technology Wireless Communications Networks"

The FCC and FDA will not stop installation of transmitting utility meters, approval of new wireless technology, or sale of additional spectrum unless they hear from many many people who are having health problems related to wireless technology. Please file your written comments by August 16, 2010.

FCC Docket No. ET 10-120

FDA Docket No. FDA-2010-N-0291

Comments must be submitted to BOTH the FCC (FCC Electronic Comment Filing System at: http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/ecfs/ and leave the "ET" off enter 10-120) and the FDA (http://www.regulations.gov Additional directions below). They will not share comments with each other. The door has been left open for those of us highly affected by the proliferation of wireless technology, but without medical implants to file testimony in the statement "Additional information and comments deemed pertinent to this general area of inquiry by any commenter but not specifically addressed in our listed questions may also be submitted."

Additional directions for electronic submission of testimony to the FDA

  • Go to regulations.gov
    • Click on "Submit a Comment".
    • Type FDA-2010-N-0291 in the box under the "Enter Keyword or ID:" and Click the "Search" button.
    • Scroll down the page. At the lower right corner clock on "Submit a Comment."
    • Fill out the web form information.
    • You can type your Comment directly into the Comment box on the Right. If you are submitting your Comment as an attachment, be sure to state that in the Comment box so that the attachment is properly handled by the FDA staff.
    • Be sure to click on the Attach button to assure that your document is attached.
    • You can click on the "Preview Comment" to double check what you are submitting.
    • Click on "Submit" when you are satisfied with your filing.

DEADLINES for participation are as follows:
July 19, 2010 register for meeting, must make a reservation in order to attend and specifically register if also wish to speak.
July 26-27, 2010 meeting with oral presentations
August 16, 2010 Deadline to submit comments electronically (comments must be submitted separately to both FDA and FCC)

Here are a few key points, pulled from a draft of Cindy Sage's testimony, paraphrased in my words, that you may want to address or support or include in your comments.

Key points are as follows:

  • Wireless technology is harmful not only to sensitive electronics (medical devices), but to human beings themselves.

  • Wireless technology is in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Discuss the restrictions the widespread prevalence of wireless technology imposes on your life.

  • Continued proliferation of wireless technology will increase healthcare costs. Support with real-life examples if possible.

  • Thus, futher deployment of new wireless technologies should be halted.

  • Wired broadband (particularly fiberoptics) should be preferentially supported to avoid the need to retrofit and remove dangerous technology.

  • The FCC should formally acknowledge the inadequacy of their thermally based safety guidelines to protect public health in the face of continuously increasing microwave radiation exposure. They should then immediately open a proceeding to update the guidelines to biologically (not engineering) based conservative standards to establish safe levels of exposure for the general population during the continuous daily exposures we now experience.

  • The FDA should establish a policy that selects for a public-health based standard of evidence for judging the science.

  • The FDA needs to allow people to report health problems caused by wireless technology, including transmitting utility meters, using their complaint their Medwatch Program.

Please take a moment to write a brief narrative about your experience with wireless technology. If you have make and model numbers for specific equipment that made you sick, please include them. If your statement is more general in nature, that is fine. Detailed referencing of your experience with scientific references is not required or necessary. Others will provide that information. Your testimony is necessary to help support them by providing personal experiential evidence. Make your piece as brief and powerful as possible while providing all essential information. Do keep in mind that this will be a public document. If you have one, filing a copy of a supporting letter from a health care provider would add power. ("A Basic Summary of the Neurological Effects of Radiofrequency Sickness" has helped a few others talk to their health care providers about radiofrequency sickness and transmitting utility meters. It may help your healthcare provider to understand the seriousness of the problem and make them more willing to write you a letter, whether you are able to get it in time to file or for later use.) Those who are concerned about the long-term health effects of wireless technology (microwave radiation exposure) should submit testimony outlining their reasons for concern.

Please take the time to submit testimony. If enough people do so there is a real chance of significant positive change. Please send a copy to Cindy Sage at sage@silcom.com. She is trying to keep track of feedback the FCC and FDA are receiving from concerned experts and injured consumers.

Thank you for your help and work on this issue. We can't do it without you.

Please let as many other concerned individuals know about this comment opportunity as you can.


Cindy has kindly provided a template to use as a heading for your comment containing all the docket numbers and address information-also at the links below, as well as a few other important items. (I have slightly modified the template to remove deadline ambiguity.)

The official government posting can be found at: FCC Public Notice - http://www.fcc.gov/Daily_Releases/Daily_Business/2010/db0615/DA-10-1071A1.txt

FDA Public Notice - http://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/NewsEvents/WorkshopsConferences/ucm215046.htm

The FCC and FDA will not stop installation of transmitting utility meters, approval of new wireless technology, or sale of additional spectrum unless they hear from many many people who are having health problems related to wireless technology. Please file your testimony by August 16, 2010. See above directions. Check back or join the email list for further steps you can take toward an EMF safe society.

You may join the email list by typing "join email list" in the subject heading when you email the Webmaster at webmaster@electricalpollution.com.

The only known cure for Radio Wave Sickness is to stop being exposed to radio frequency radiation.

Please see the Solutions page for a list of steps you can take to reduce your exposure to high frequencies in your home and the Take Action page for other ways you can help restore a safe EMF environment to the world.