Richard Reines (Senior Public Service Engineer in the Electric Division) The following letters were written in response to a statement Mr. Reines made at a meeting arranged by Rep. David Ward R -Fort Atkinson (37th Assembly District). The meeting was originally to have been a meeting between myself, another woman, David Stetzer, Avie Bie (Chairperson of the Public Service Commission), Rep. Ward, Rep. Petrowski, and Rep. Gronemus to resolve the "dirty" power and electrical ground currents problem. After the meeting was set up Ms. Bie sent word that she couldn't meet with us because I had filed a complaint with the PSC. In her place she sent James Loock (PSC Chief Engineer), Mark Cook (REPS Program Manager), Richard Reines, and William Fannucci (Senior Environmental Planning Analyst in the Electric Division). During the course of the meeting Mr. Reines asserted that an increase in lightening strikes in WI led to the PSC allowing the utilities to put grounding rods on every pole. Subsequently, I did some research into Mr. Reines' claim that an increase in lightening strikes had led to allowing grounding rods on every pole and wrote him a letter. You can view a copy of my original letter, his reply, and my response. I am still awaiting his reply.
My first letter to Mr. Reines
David J. Jenkins Wisconsin Electric Cooperative Association (WECA) Division Manager
Mr. Jenkin's letter or the html version of Mr. Jenkin's letter (a text only version that should be readable by all web browsers)