Make Every Day Earth Day!
While Earth Day may have passed, the urgent necessity for reform of our safety standards for exposure to manmade radiofrequency radiation has not passed. We need biologically-based standards for all manmade sources of radiofrequency exposure, including transmitted sources such as wireless devices and cellphone towers and electrical grid-based sources such as electrical pollution and broadband over power lines.
A recent study by the EMRadiation Policy Institute has shown that many antennas are out of compliance with even the FCC's outdated thermally-based radiofrequency radiation limits see
There is ample evidence in the literature that the radiation from wireless devices is not good for bees - never mind the environment and other creatures - or humans.
Please read/watch the resources below and minimize your use of wireless technology (Wireless Tips page). Bees (or other pollinators) pollinate about 2/3 of our fruit and vegetables. The economic value of the crops they pollinate in the U.S. is about $12 billion dollars.

- Resonance: Beings of Frequency - A film which discusses the electromagnetic nature of life on earth, a great lay-friendly film which still conveys important information which includes great information about navigation of bees, available for free at
- National Geographic - this article discusses the minute electromagnetic interactions of bees and flowers.
- Why answering your cellphone might be killing bees
The electromagnetic fields from cellphones cause bees to become disoriented and eventually die, a study says.
- EMRadiation Policy Institute Press Releases
- The Birds, the Bees and Electromagnetic Pollution, Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy, May 2009
- A comprehensive, but very readable review article about the damage wireless is doing to the environment and people. "Impacts of radio-frequency electromagnetic field (RF-EMF) from cell phone towers and wireless devices on biosystem and ecosystem – a review," Biology and Medicine
- A very indepth discussion of factors, particularly radiofrequency radiation, causing problems for bees
- Help protect frogs - rf radiation linked to greater mortality, morbidity and reproductive failure. Read this paper and see this video

- Damage to trees from rf radiation- several pdfs available
- September 2012, India dropped the allowable levels of rf radiation from transmitters to a tenth of the previous levels which were already lower than those allowed in the U.S. because of this report
- Do mobile phones cost the Earth?
The time for people to really step up and help educate their friends, relatives, and neighbors is NOW!
Most people have little idea that exposure to the pulse microwave signal utilized by wireless devices to communicate poses a serious risk to their health. The dangers of wireless technology have received very little coverage in the news due to a campaign of misinformation and confusion by industry, similar to the campaign run by big tobacco, and the financial clout of telecom companies, including outright ownership of news media. Therefore, grassroots assistance in spreading this important information is essential.
Please use the links above to educate family, friends, neighbors, environmentalists, lawmakers, and the news media about the environmental and human health effects of wireless technology.
Not quite ready to stop using wireless, but want to do so in as environmentally responsible a way as possible. Visit the Wireless Tips page.
We ALL need to apply pressure to the government and medical, environmental, consumer protection, and various advocacy organizations so they can take necessary action! We the people, working together, can apply more pressure than industry!
There is concrete grassroots action that you can take to move the reform effort forward. I list them in order of ease. The more you can do, the better.
1. Pass on the links above to family, friends, and neighbors.
2. Link to the articles above on your social media sites. Send out to your network.
3. Join the email list by typing "join email list" in the subject heading when you email the Webmaster at and join The EMR Policy Institute email list so you get current information and action opportunities.
4. Write a short informative comment with one or two good links on a new relevant website every day to help spread awareness.
5. Pass on the articles above to environmentalists, organizations, lawmakers, and the news media. Best to follow up or precede such emails with a phone call expressing concern about the issue, asking that they read the email, and sponsor or co-sponsor legislation. Offer to provide additional information.
6. Be persistent. Check in with legislators, organizations, and media. Continue to periodically provide compelling bits of information. The average person has to see something 7 times from multiple sources before really internalizing it.
7. Sign these petitions:
- petition to move responsibility for RF safety limits to an agency responsible for protecting health and the environment
- petition to protect migratory birds and human health from further damage by a radical expansion in microwave radiation exposure from FirstNet
8. Speak to local, state, and national organizations - Political (Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Green, Teaparty, etc...), Environmental, Medical, etc.... Ask for their support in seeking legislation to:
- Mandate that the EPA establish human radiofrequency (RF) radiation exposure standards based on existing scientific and epidemiological evidence to protect the population during continuous exposures to RF radiation from transmitters and electrical pollution.
- Repeal Section 704 of the 1996 Telecommunications Act to restore state and local authority for siting base station antennas based on the environmental effects of radiofrequency radiation.
- Halt all federal funding for utility smart/AMR/transmitting meter installations pending certification under new biologically-based RF radiation exposure standards.
- Halt all release of new transmitting devices pending approval under new biologically-based RF radiation exposure standards.
- Halt installation of new transmitters/cellphone antennas pending approval under new biologically-based RF radiation exposure standards.
Organizations can be supportive by:
Educating membership, moving the issue up the hierarchy, sending letters to lawmakers, having their lobbyists speak to the issue, putting out press releases, etc.
9. Encourage others to take these actions as well.
Fiber optic broadband is the state-of-the-art gold standard in broadband internet. It is far and away the highest speed, highest capacity, and most reliable option for broadband. Wireless isn’t even close. Furthermore, it is safe, secure, and energy efficient. AND, it is environmentally friendly(Find out more)
Visit the Solutions page at for a list of steps you can take to reduce your exposure to radiofrequencies in your home and work environments.