Stetzer Electric, Inc.

Panther Creek Project

June 1999

Panther Creek Test:

The Panther Creek Test was designed to measure the amount of current flowing through the stream. Both frequency and voltage measurements were captured with a Fluke 105B Scopemeter.
To collect the necessary data 4 shunt lines were placed in the stream approximately 20 feet apart. The shunt lines consisted of a wire mesh material 3 feet wide and 8 feet long. First, the potential difference between the 2nd and 3rd shunt lines was recorded without any applied voltage. Next, a voltage (12 Volt car battery) was applied between the 1st and 4th shunt lines respectively. With the voltage source applied, both the voltage and current through the circuit were recorded. Listed below are the measurements and calculations that were made:

No applied voltage:
V(2nd -> 3rd) = 112 mVrms

Voltage applied:
V(g) = V(1st -> 4th) = 12.94 V
I(1st -> 4th) = 0.26 A

R(1st -> 4th) = 49.8 Ohms
R(per foot) = 0.83 Ohms/foot
I(flow) = 6.7 mA

The above picture is of a calf that aborted 28 weeks into the pregnancy. The mother heifer was on pasture for the summer adjacent to Panther Creek that runs through the farm. This particular creek is located next to a petroleum pipeline. This is the third aborted calf in a one-week period. Twin calves were aborted during this week with birth defects such as no eyes in the socket. It is abnormal to see the placenta with the calf, as it usually appears later in their development. Below is a waveform from Panther Creek.